Asian women with lung cancer


Who can participate?

Eligible participants will include Asian American females who:

  • Have been recently diagnosed with lung cancer
  • Have never smoked
  • Are between the ages 21-90
  • Live within the following counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Marin, Monterey, Orange, Sacramento, San Benito, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz

Eligible participants also include the spouse, child, sibling, close relative, or close friend of someone who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and has passed away.

Why should I participate?

By participating, you can help us understand more about the factors leading to lung cancer in Asian American women. This knowledge is crucial for informing lung cancer prevention programs for future generations of Asian American women.

What does participation involve?

  1. You will be asked to complete a survey that will take approximately 45 minutes. You can do this online, over the phone, or by mail.
  2. You will be asked to collect a small saliva sample. This can be done in the privacy of your own home.
  3. You will be asked to provide permission to us to access some lung tissue that was removed during surgery or a biopsy.

Will I be compensated?

Yes! To thank you for your time, you will be given a $75 gift card.

I already received study materials in the mail. How did you identify me?

In California, people who are diagnosed with cancer are identified through the California Cancer Registry (CCR). Since cancer is considered a reportable disease, state law requires that doctors, hospitals and other facilities that diagnose and/or treat cancer patients report to the CCR. The CCR and institutional review boards ensure that the rights and confidentiality of all our potential research participants are protected.

How do I join this study?

If you are interested in joining this study, please contact us at [email protected] or call 833-326-7883. You can also reply if we have already contacted you by mail.